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Saharawi delegation takes part in 3rd Congress of CIS in Berlin

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Berlin, May 19, 2014 (SPS) A delegation led by the SADR Secretary General of  Saharawi workers union (UGTSARIO), Mohamed Cheikh Mohamed Lahbib, accompanied by the Polisario Front Representative in Germany, Mamoun Mohamed, took part in the 3rd Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (CIS), which is taking place from May 18 to 23 in Berlin, under the theme: "Strengthening the role of workers."


The opening was announced by the MFA, Frank-Walter, attended by over 1,500 delegates representing trade unions from more than 100 countries worldwide.


The Saharawi delegation conducted several meetings on the sidelines of the opening session, with most of the leaders of the participating delegations, including Germany, Brazil, Spain, Italy, South Africa, Portugal, Great Britain, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Mauritius.


The interviews focused on the latest developments on the question of Western Sahara and the role that international trade union forces can play in favor of the rights of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.


The delegations expressed their full support and solidarity with the legitimate struggle of the Saharawi people to self-determination.


The CIS is the largest gathering of the international trade unions, created in 2006. UGTSARIO had attended the first congress in Vienna in 2006 and the second conference held in Canada in 2010, it should be recalled. (SPS)