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Norwegian Liberal Party renews support to Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence

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Oslo, April 10, 2014 (SPS) - Norway’s Liberal Party Leader Mrs. Trine Skei Grande reiterated Thursday, in a meeting with Polisario Front’s Representative in Oslo Dr. Limam Khalil, her party’s support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, voicing support to the extension of MINURSO mandate to include the monitoring and report about human rights in Western Sahara.

During this meeting, the Saharawi diplomat briefed his interlocutor about the suffering has been experienced by the Saharawi people in the occupied territories of Western Sahara since 1975 at the hands of Moroccan occupiers.

Dr. Limam Khalil noted that Morocco continues to pillage Western Sahara’s natural resources in a blatant violation to the international law which calls for the protection of the natural resources of the non-self-governing territories.

It should be recalled that the central committee of Liberal Party of Norway has issued a range of statements denouncing Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara and calling for the decolonization of Western Sahara.

It, therefore, condemned in many occasions Morocco’s plundering of Western Sahara natural wealth, and called upon its government to recognize the Saharawi Republic (SADR) as an independent state.

The Party is currently one of the opposition parties in Norway. It won 9 seats in the last parliamentary elections. (SPS)
