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Saharawi delegation attends 17th meeting of Mine Action Programme Directors and UN Advisors

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Geneva, April 3, 2014 (SPS) - A Saharawi delegation, composed of the Coordinator of the Saharawi Mine Action Coordination Office Mr. Samu Ammu Dih, participated at the 17th International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and UN Advisors, took place from 31st March to 2nd April in Geneva.

Such participation reflects an expression of gratitude and appreciation by the international community to the efforts being undertaken by the Polisario Front and Saharawi government in the field of mine action.

The Saharawi delegation shed light on the Moroccan military wall, which is contaminated with mines, cluster boms and unexploded objects that threaten the lives of Saharawi civilians and their livestock.

This meeting was an opportunity for Mr. Samu to hold talks with several delegations on the ways to develop mine action programme in Western Sahara.

It should be recalled that the number of mines planted in the military separation wall built by Morocco is estimated by more than 7 million mines, of which anti-personnel and anti-vehicle. (SPS)
