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Zimbabwe will continue to support Saharawi cause, confirms minister

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Harare, March 14, 2014 (SPS) - Zimbabwe’s Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, Hon. Prof. Jonathan Moyo, said that his country is committed to support the Saharawi people, reiterating support for their just struggle for the liberation of Western Sahara.

“The Republic of Zimbabwe has always been keen to support the just Saharawi cause and will continue its support for the Saharawi people’s struggle until the liberation of all the occupied territories of Western sahara,” stated Mr. Moyo, during a meeting held Thursday with the Saharawi ambassador Mr. Deich Mohamed Saleh.

Given that the Saharawi issue has been prolonged for so any years, the Zimbabwean minister added that it is a shame that this issue remains unsolved, calling on the international community, especially Africa , to work for putting an end to Morocco’s intransigence.

He, in this regard, urged African leaders to take practical steps to isolate and boycott Morocco by prohibiting it from participating in any kind of African activities.

Saharawi Ambassador, for his part, briefed his interlocutor on the recent developments of the Saharawi issue, especially the UN Security Council meeting to be held next April and the continued violations of human rights carried out by Moroccan authorities in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the field of media and communication and exchange of experiences. (SPS)
