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Saharawi delegation in Geneva to demand extension of MINURSO mandate for human rights monitoring

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Geneva, March 5, 2014 (SPS) - Polisario Front delegation, of which human rights activists from occupied Western Sahara, partakes in the 25th session of Human Rights Council, held in Geneva from 3rd to 28th March 2014, to urge the Security Council of the UN to extend MINURSO mandates to include the monitoring of human rights abuses carried out by Morocco in Western Sahara.

“The Human Rights Council of the UN is the preferable body for the Saharawis to demand the extension of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) for human rights monitoring, and to evade Morocco’s excesses against the Saharawi people,” members of the Saharawi delegation told reporters.

The delegation announced Polisario Front’s intention to draw the Council 25th session’s attention to the issue of human rights in Western Sahara, during the high-level discussions scheduled.

On 21st March 2014, the Saharawi community in Europe is due to organize a vigil at the Place des Nations, near the UN headquarters in Geneva, in parallel with this session. (SPS)
