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British Parliament to host conference on Western Sahara

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London, Feb 14, 2014 (SPS) - House of the British Parliament in Westminister will host a conference on Western Sahara and human rights next February 25th, informed the Polisario Front’s Representation in the the UK.

Speakers during this conference include the the MP Mark Williams, from the Liberal-Democrat, and John Hillary, who arrived yesterday in Western Sahara, will present a report about their visit to the occupied Saharawi territories.

Mr. Brahim Dahan, prominent human rights activist and President of the Saharawi Association of Victims of Grave Human Rights Violations committed by Moroccan State, will also be one of the speakers.

Dahan will speak about Morocco’s human rights violations in Western Sahara and the urgent need to extend MINURSO’S mandate so that it includes supervising human rights.

It should be recalled that a delegation from the British Parliament begun yesterday a visit to occupied Western Sahara to assess the state of human rights there.

This delegation is led by Mr Jeremy Corbyn, MP for Labour Party and president of All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Western Sahara, and accompanied by Mr Mark Williams, Liberal-Democrat MP and APPG’s Secretary, and composed of Mr John Hillary, President of the British NGO War on Want , and John Gurr, coordinator and provides non-profitable services to the Intergroup from outside the Parliament.

The delegation intends to hold various meetings with representatives of Saharawi civil society, among them human right activists, leaders and representatives of the main associations that advocate for human rights inside the occupied territories of Western Sahara. (SPS)
