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Four young Saharawis arrested by Moroccan occupying authorities

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Sidi Ifni (southern Morocco), Feb 12, 2014 (SPS) - Four young Saharawis have been arrested Tuesday by Moroccan occupying authorities in the city of Sidi Ifni in southern Morocco, after they were due to take part at a reception ceremony for lately freed Saharawi prisoners, informed a rights source.

The four young Saharawis are: Mohamed Jamour, Sidi Sbai and Bachir Boumoud, who are members of El Aaiun branch of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, in addition to Hafed Toubali, former political prisoner.

It should be recalled that a group of Saharawi prisoners were lately released, one of which Mohamed Amzouz, who served 8-year prison term between the local prisons of Eit Melloul and Tiznit, Morocco. (SPS)
