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President of Republic urges UN to assume its responsibilities

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Aghwinit (Liberated Territories) February 10, 2014 (SPS) - President of Republic Secretary General of the Polisario Front has called on the United Nations to assume its responsibilities in Western Sahara, in an interview with Algerian National Radio, Channel 1.  


He emphasised that the UN credibility will be "damaged" if it does not consider the monitoring of human rights within the prerogatives of its mission for the referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).


The President of the Republic expressed the hope that the visit of the U.S Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, John Kerry, next week to Morocco will result in a progress in the process of negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco to resolve the Western Sahara issue.


"We hope that Mr. Kerry will convince Moroccan regime officials to release dozens of Sahrawi prisoners and to make progress in negotiations process between Morocco and the Polisario Front to resolve the Sahrawi issue in accordance with international resolutions and conventions," President Mohamed Abdelaziz said in the interview with Algerian National Radio.   (SPS)