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Morocco’s torture and prisons will not end up Saharawis determination to obtain independence, says Brahim Ghali

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Algiers, Jan 29, 2014 (SPS) - "Morocco’s torture, prisons, and unfair trials will not end up the Saharawi people’s determination to wrest independence," said the Saharawi Ambassador in Algeria Mr. Brahim Ghali, in an act of solidarity with Saharawi people organized Tuesday in Algiers by the Rally for Algerian Hope Party.

"We confirm to Morocco and those who support it that the Saharawi people are determined to wrest their independence and make any sacrifice to achieve their goal," stated Mr. Brahim Ghali.

The Saharawi people, he added, continue to face abuses and violations of human rights at the hand of Moroccan occupying forces, while the world remains stand idly by these practices.

Hailing Algeria’s pivotal role and its constant support to the just struggle of the Saharawis people, the Saharawi diplomat indicated that the Algerian revolution and people "are a model worth to be followed in our legitimate fight for independence." (SPS)
