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New SADR ambassador accredited to Republic of Angola

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Luanda, December 28, 2013 (SPS) -  The new SADR ambassador, Malainin Sadik, has been accredited as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic to the Republic of Angola, according to a statement of the Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, received by SPS Saturday.


Ambassador Malainin Sadik had worked as the representative of Polisario Front in France and Europe in 1975-1977, ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1980-1987 , head of the mission in Asia and the Pacific in 1979-1989 , Secretary General of the Presidency in 1989-1995 , Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in 1995-1997 and deputy cheif of the Presidency in 1997-1999.    


He also served as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary in Algeria in 1999-2003,  head of Mission in South Africa in 2003, Minister Counsellor at the Presidency in charge of Asia in 2003-2012.


It should be recalled, the Republic of Angola has recognized Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR)  since March 11, 1976,  only days following the formation of the first SADR government. (SPS)