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African Task Force denounces EU -Morocco fisheries agreement

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ALGIERS, December 15, 2013 (SPS)  - The African Coordination of Solidarity with the Saharawi people, known as Task Force, denounced Saturday in Algiers at its first meeting, the European Union-Morocco fisheries agreement recently adopted by the European Parliament and called on governments around the world not to sign an agreement with Morocco including the occupied territories of Western Sahara.


In a statement at the end of the first meeting of the Coordination of African solidarity with the Saharawi people, its members, also denounced "systemic and continuous violations of human rights perpetrated by the authorities of Moroccan occupation in the territories of Western Sahara."


They called, in this regard, on the international community so that the prerogatives of the UN Mission in Western Sahara for the organization of a referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara (MINURSO) are extended to monitor human rights in these territories.


The Task force seized, further, the United Nations to work to enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and, in an "irreversible, fair and transparent" way.


The first meeting of the African Task Force also called on the African Union (AU) and all African states to intensify their efforts to ensure the rights of Sahrawis to freedom and independence.


The first meeting of the Coordination of African solidarity with the Saharawi people took place a few hours before the opening of the 4th International Conference on "The rights of peoples to resistance: the case of the Saharawi people" scheduled this afternoon in the presence of the President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Mohamed Abdelaziz.

