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Solidarity committee with Sahrawi people established in Ecuadorian Parliament

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Quito (Ecuador), December 13, 2013 (SPS) -  Ecuadorian Committee for Solidarity with the Saharawi people was announced Thursday at the headquarters of the Ecuadorian Parliament, in the presence of Ecuadorian parliamentarians and the Sahrawi delegation participating in the World Festival of Youth and Students, currently taking place in Ecuador. 
During the establishment ceremony, the president of Ecuadorian parliamentary committee, Maria Augusta Calle, highlighted the goals that the parliamentary committee will work to achieve, including exchange of experiences between the two legislative institutions and strengthening of the bilateral relations between the two countries.
She also pledged to raise awarness about the Sahrawi issue and expose the Moroccan colonial policies.
For her part, the head of the Sahrawi delegation stressed firmness of relations between the SADR and  Ecuador, describing it as "historic" and emphasing the need that the Sahrawi issue remains present at the official level and within Ecuadorian civil society. (SPS)