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NEHAWU condemns Morocco’s refusal to implement referendum in Western Sahara

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Johannesburg, Dec 10, 2013 (SPS) - The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) has condemned Morocco’s refusal to implement the referendum on self determination for the Saharawi people, deploring the ongoing human rights violations carried out by Moroccan state in the occupied Saharawi territories.

In a statement issued at the end of the meeting of its 10th National Congress’s Central Executive Committee (CEC), convened on 07-08th December 2013, NEHAWU condemned Morocco’s refusal to implement the referendum on self determination in Western Sahara and the ongoing human rights violations in the occupied territories.

It also expressed commtment "to continue to promote and keep the struggle for the freedom of Western Sahara on the international agenda working with COSATU and the alliance partners."

NEHAWU is a trade union in South Africa, with a membership of 235,000. It is the largest public sector union in the country. It is affiliated with the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), and Public Services International. (SPS)
