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EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement undermines UN efforts to find solution to Western Sahara conflict (statement)

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Strasbourg, Dec 10, 2013 (SPS) - The Frente Polisario stated that the new EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement, approved hours ago by the European Parliament, will “destabilise an already volatile situation in the region, thereby undermining the UN efforts to find a peaceful and lasting solution” to the conflict of Western Sahara.

Following is the full text of the statement issued today by Mr. Mohamed Sidati, Saharawi Minister Delegate for Europe, after the approval of the EU-Morocco Fisheries Pact:


European Representation

Statement by Mohamed Sidati, Minister, Representative of the Frente

POLISARIO to Europe On this Tuesday 10 December, when the world is honoring the Human Rights Day, after a tough debate between supporters of legality and international law, and those who advocate the exploitation and trades of natural resources from Western Sahara without the consent of its people, the European Parliament in plenary session has approved the new Protocol to the EU- Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA).
Thus, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to those MEPs who used their votes to reject this unacceptable agreement.

We must also acknowledge the positions of the governments of Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Finland, all of whom, in line with international law, refused to endorse this fisheries agreement.

It should be reminded that the aforementioned agreement does not exclude the Saharawi territorial waters, despite the fact that Western Sahara is still considered by the United Nations as a Non-Self-Governing Territory pending decolonisation. In accordance with the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of 1975 and the legal opinion of the UN Under-Secretary for legal Affairs of 2002, Morocco does not exercise any sovereignty or administration over Western Sahara, and it is simply an occupying power of the Territory. As an occupying power, Morocco thus has no right whatsoever to enter into agreements with third parties concerning the resources of Western Sahara over which only the Sahrawi people have permanent sovereignty. A fortiori, we therefore think that it is unacceptable that the European Union signed a fisheries agreement with Morocco which implicitly includes the Saharawi territorial waters.

On the European side, we must call attention to the policy of a member state of the EU, Spain, towards Western Sahara. The Spanish State, the former colonial Power, has resumed its 1975 policy of betrayal and abandonment of the Western Sahara, and made all possible efforts to reach this illegal agreement. Spain’s attitude contributes significantly to increase the suffering of the Saharawi people, thwarts the ongoing efforts of the UN, and fuel tensions and instability in the Maghreb, so close to the EU. In this regards, we would like to remind the following facts:

Charles Tannock’s recent report referring to the region of Sahel and Western Sahara was approved on 22nd of October, 2013 by the EP. His report recognize that "Moroccan officials have detained individuals on political grounds, subjected Sahrawi inmates to torture and rape, kidnapped and abandoned protesters in the desert in order to intimidate them, and deliberately and frequently targeted pro-independence advocates, including in their homes".

The aforementioned report adds that it “expresses particular concern that the EU should not re-institute a fisheries agreement with Morocco while this controversy remains unresolved”.

Just two years ago, the EP voted against the same new Protocol to the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA).

The agreement is also contrary to the rights and interests of the Sahrawi people and to the relevant principles of international law applicable to Western Sahara as a Non-Self-Governing Territory. It will further destabilise an already volatile situation in the region, thereby undermining the UN efforts to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict. It will also give a sign of legitimisation to the Moroccan occupation of the Territory, thus contributing to prolonging the suffering of the Sahrawi people.

This issue is central to the occupation as whole-whilst Morocco is profiting from its occupation, it will not compromise on Western Sahara.

The approval of this agreement sent the wrong message to Morocco and will signal support for Morocco’s illegal claims on the territory.

The Saharawi government and the POLISARIO Front will explore all possible avenues to overturn this iniquitous agreement, and reserve the right to claim compensation for the Saharawi people, who have been robbed of their riches.

And we solemnly call on the European Union to reconsider this agreement, so contrary to its founding principles. The responsibility of the EU is clear: it should not endorse the occupation of our country. Instead, the EU should join forces with the United Nations to complete the process of decolonization in Western Sahara which is subjected to the Moroccan policy of occupation, oppression and repression. The EU must contribute to the end of this state of affairs, which endangers peace and security in the region, and is utterly detrimental to Euro-Maghreb relations.” (SPS)
