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President of Republic urges UN to intervene to stop ‘repeated’ assaults against peaceful Sahrawi citizens

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Birlehlu (Liberated Territories), December 8, 2013 (SPS) – President of the Republic Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz called Sunday on the United Nations to intervene to stop the ‘repeated’ assaults against the peaceful and defenseless Sahrawi citizens, in a letter to the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban ki-moon.


The letter comes after the attach Saturday of the Moroccan forces against Sahrawi citizens who were preparing to organize  a peaceful demonstration in the occupied city of El Aaiun, to express their rejection of the signing of the European Union to any agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco that includes the territories, waters and resources of the Saharawi people.


‘We renew demand for urgent action, in line with the United Nations responsibility for the decolonization of Western Sahara, to ensure the security and safety of Sahrawi citizens against the oppression of the Moroccan occupation forces, through a UN mechanism that enables the MINURSO of protecting, monitoring and reporting on human rights in Western Sahara and,’ said the President of the Republic in his letter.


The president of the Republic called on the United Nations to intervene with the European Union in order to listen to the legitimate demands of Sahrawi citizens to refrain from signing any agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco that includes the territory or territorial waters of Western Sahara, because that ‘would be a blatant agression against the right of the Saharawi people and a flagrant violation of international law,’ he added.


The President of the Republic also demand the imposition of all sanctions and pressures necessary on Morocco to comply with the international legitimacy and release all Saharawi political prisoners in its jails, including detainees of Gdeim Izik, and remove the Moroccan wall of separation which represents a crime against humanity. (SPS)