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‘seeking veracity and objectivity … message of media’ (Conference)

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Shaheed El Hafed (Sahrawi refugee camps), December 7, 2013 (SPS) – The conference on the evaluation of the message of media will be held Monday in the Hall of the Ministry of Culture under the theme ‘seeking veracity and objectivity … the message of media,’ according to the organising committee.


Two papers will be presented in the conference, the first will be on news writing and the second on the programmes in the national media, indicated the same source.


The conference which will discuss issues related to the message of media, will be attended by media, political and cultural personalities. It is also expected to be presented by Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, as well as members of the National Secretariat and government.


Martyrs of the profession will be honored on this occasion.


The conference, which is considered a mechanism to assess the message of media and put  the prospects of work on the eve of the new year, is held in the context of the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the Polisario Front which is celebrated by Sahrawi people this year.  (SPS)