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POLISARIO Front calls on Spanish political parties, trade unions, civil society to enhance support for Saharawi cause

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Balearic Islands (Spain), November 30, 2013 (SPS) – The Representative of the POLISARIO Front in Spain , Boushraya Beyun, urged Friday the Spanish political parties, trade unions and civil society to intensify  their support for the ‘just’ cause of the Saharawi people, during his speech at the closing session of the IV university days on the conflict in Western Sahara, in the Balearic Islands, according to Sahrawi diplomatic sources.


The days that took place November 28-29, were organized by the Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, in collaboration with the University , Government and ‘Caixa Colonya’ in the Balearic Islands.


The days  were highlighted by intervention of Miguel Angel Llaguer, professor and former coordinator of ‘Parliament Intergroup for Western Sahara "Peace for the Saharawi People," who made ​​a presentation on the work of political parties and deputies on the conflict in response to the solidarity of the Spanish civil society.


The Coordinator of Amnesty International in the Balearic Islands, Manel Pere Mulet, spoke about the reports elaborated by this organization and other organizations about violations of human rights by Morocco and incompetence of MINURSO for the monitoring of human rights in the Occupied Western Sahara.  


For her part, Hassena Aali focused on the peaceful struggle of the Sahrawi activists in the occupied territories and the repression they are subjected to by Moroccan occupation forces , especially after the dismantling of the camp of Gdeim Izik and the military trial in which 24 young Sahrawis sentenced to term ranging from 22 years to life imprisonment.


The former political prisoner, Mustafa Abdedaim also denounced the repression exercised against Sahrawi citizens fighting for their right to self-determination and denouncing the Moroccan occupation.


After the presentation on the project made by Saharawi artist Mouloud Yeslem, a flower for each mine , NUSW representative, Jadiyetu El Mohtar, intervened, in the second phase of the days titled "a fair solution to the Western Sahara," together with the Attorney General and Secretary of the Jurists for Western Sahara , Felipe Briones, about the legal status of the occupied Western Sahara as non-autonomous territory and the legal responsibility of Spain in resolving the conflict. SPS