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President attends ceremonies marking Saharawi Parliament’s 38th anniversary

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June 9th School (refugee camps), Nov 28, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente Polisario Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has attended the ceremonies marking the 38th anniversary of the creation of the Saharawi National Council (Parliament), took place today morning in the June 9th School in the Saharawi Refugee Camps.

Speaking during this occasion, President Mohamed Abdelaziz reflected the importance of such event, highlighting the circumstances under which the Saharawi National Council was created in this day of the year 1975, which characterized, as he said, by “an international conspiracy and military invasion” carried out against the Saharawi people.

“We would like to appreciate such unique phenomenon in the history of the liberation revolutions in the world, where Saharawi people, led by the Polisario Front, as they were waging a glowing battle, replete with sacrifices and suffering, against the colonial presence, sat up a Saharawi experience towards laying the foundations of the democratic practice and its requirements, mainly the legislative institution, the actively and growingly participated of by women,” said the President of the Republic.
Focusing on the role SNC played to contribute to the laying the foundation for the independent Saharawi state, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz underlined that such achievements “will never lead the Sahrawis, in any way and at any time, to forget that the battle to complete national sovereignty is still on.”

Speaker to the Saharawi National Council Mr. Khatri Addou, for his part, reviewed the different phases of the institution, highlighting its role in the liberation struggle of the Saharawi people and institutional construction of the Saharawi State.

Speaking also at the ceremony, Vice-President of the Algerian National People’s Assembly (APN) Mr. Abdelkader Abdellaoui reaffirmed his country’s firm position of support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and to their independent state.

Chairwoman of the Algerian-Saharawi Parliamentary Committee of Friendship and Brotherhood Ms. Saida Bounab, in the same regard, affirmed APN’s will to continue cooperating with the Saharawi legislative institution, as to strengthen and consolidate the solidarity and cooperation that bind the two peoples in Algeria and Western Sahara.

Members of the Polisario Front’s leadership, Saharawi Government and National Council, in addition to senior cadres in the State taken part at this event.

Several delegations coming from Spain, Mexico, United States also attended these celebrations.

Attendees got the chance to know about the work of the Council though the screening of a documentary and distribution of a book containing all the laws approved so far by the Saharawi Parliament since 1995, made in collaboration with the Parliamentary Committee of Friendship and Brotherhood in the Algerian National People’s Assembly. (SPS)
