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Polisario Front denounces Morocco’s intransigent positions

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Nov 19, 2013 (SPS) - Frente Polisario has denounced the intransigent positions of Morocco, renewing its cooperation with the UN with a view to decolonize Africa’s last colony, in a statement concluded a meeting of its bureau held Tuesday chaired by the President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz.

“Whilst Polisario Front reiterates its cooperation with the United Nations for the decolonization of Western Sahara, through a free, just and impartial referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people, it denounces Moroccan Government’s intransigent positions characterized by convulsion and jittering, which reflect a premeditated and serious intention of escalation to block the efforts for a just and peaceful solution,” reads the statement.

Polisario Front warned of such serious positions, reminding that the policy of expansion at the expense of neighbouring countries and its violations of human rights is another thing can be added to the “oriented and increasing flow” of the Moroccan Kingdom’s drug into the region.

This flow of drug, added the statement, contributes to encourage smuggling and organized crime gangs as well as terrorist groups, which constitutes a real and imminent threat to security and stability in the region.

The statement, on other hand, called for accelerating the release of all Saharawi political prisoners incarcerated in Moroccan jails, unveiling the whereabouts of all Saharawis missing, allowing the access into the occupied Western Sahara for independent international observes and journalists, removing Moroccan occupation’s wall, and halting the plundering of Saharawi natural resources.

With regard to EU-Morocco fisheries agreement, Polisario Front stressed that the signing by European Union of any agreement with Moroccan occupying state that includes Saharawi territorial waters is “unethical act which violates international law and ignores the principles and values of the Union.”

The statement also noted with satisfaction the success of work of the 38th European Conference for Coordination and Support to the Saharawi people (EUCOCO), comes just two weeks following Abuja’s international conference. (SPS)
