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Polisario Front attends Spanish Communist Party’s 19th congress

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Madrid, Nov 16, 2013 (SPS) - A delegation of the Polisario Front attends work of the 19 th congress of the Communist Party of Spain, held from 15 to 17 November in Madrid.

The delegation composed of Mohamed Mbarek Khalil, head of cooperation at POLISARIO’s office in Madrid, and Ms. Jadija Mojtar, representative of the Saharawi Women Union.

The delegation met with the Secretary-General of the Spanish Communist Party, Mr. José Luis Centella, the Vice-President of Andalusia Government, Mr. Diego Valderas, General Coordinator of United Left, Mr. Cayo Lara, and the member of European Parliament, Mr. Willy Meyer.

It, therefore, exchanged views with the delegations of the Communist parties of Lebanon, Cuba, Italy, Puerto Rico and China, who are present at this congress.

The Communist Party of the Canary Island denounced the gross violations of human rights perpetuated by Moroccan occupying authorities against Saharawi population, renewing support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination. (SPS)
