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U.S. Congresswoman McCollum concerned over human rights’ continued deterioration in Western Sahara

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Washington, Oct 30, 2013 (SPS) - The U.S. Congresswoman and Chairwoman of the parliamentary group “Western Sahara caucus”, Ms. Betty McCollum, has expressed, in a meeting with African women delegation, her concern over the status quo of peace in the Western Sahara, especially with regard to the continued deterioration of human rights.

The U.S. Congresswoman said, in this regard, that she will continue to work for achieving positive results on the protection of Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories, and to respect the right of the Saharawi people to freely and fairly exercise their right to self-determination.

The delegation is composed of Ms. Fatma Mehdi, Secretary General of the Saharawi Women Union, Ms. Nouria Hafsi, Secretary General of Algerian Women Union, in addition to Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beisat, Polisario Front’s Representative in Washington.

This meeting was an opportunity for the delegation to inform Ms. McCollum about the latest developments on the question of Western Sahara, partucluarly the situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

Western Sahara Caucus is a parliamentary group formed by the U.S. Congress last March in the aim to defend the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and the protection of human rights of Saharawi citizens in the territories of Western Sahara occupied by Morocco. (SPS)
