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Saharawis delegation takes part at New Global Agreement’s forum in Stockholm

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Stockholm, Oct 30,2013 (SPS) - A Saharawis delegation, led by the Saharawis Coordinator witz the MINURSO Mr. Mhamed Khaddad, is taking part at a forum organized in Stockholm, capital of Sweden, in the period from 24 to 30 October 2013 under the title: "a new global agreement" , said Polisario Front’s representation in Sweden.

This forum is organized by the Progressive Alliance and the Social Democratic Party of Sweden.

The delegation, also includes Polisario Front’s Representative to Sweden Mr. Aliyen Kentwai, held talks with some delegations present the forum, such as the President of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, in addition to delegates from Germany, Norway, Croatia, Spain, Moldova, Uruguay, Argentine and Zimbabwe.

It was also received by senior officials at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who expressing support to the right of the Saharawis people to self-determination, rejecting the EU-Morocco’s Fesheries Agreement, to be examined today in Brussels. (SPS)
