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African women advocate for Saharawi cause at "A World of Women for World Peace"

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Washington, Oct 29, 2013 (SPS) - A delegation of African women has advocated for the Saharawi cause at the forum "A World of Women for World Peace", which opened Monday at the U.S. Congress headquarters in Washington.

The event is suppervised by the U.S. Congresswoman, Eddie Bernice Johnson.

Speaking during the first day of the forum which devoted to the issues of peace and war in the world, Dr. Basirat Nahebe, President of the African Organization for Entrepreneurship of Women and Promoting its Economic Role, shed light on the suffering of the Saharawi people, calling on the international community to intervene to resolve the Saharawi cause, as to pressurize Moroccan regime to comply with international legitimacy by allowing the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and independence.

The forum attended by woman’s delegations from several political, social and economic organizations and institutions from different continents.

Africa represented at this meeting by an important delegation led by Dr. Basirat Nahebe, and composed of members of the African women organizations, in addition to Ms. Fatma Mehdi, Secretary General of Saharawis Women Union, and Nouria Hafsi, Secretary General of Algerian Women Union, and women from Nigeria and Namibia.

Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beisat, Polisario Front’s Representative to Washington, also attended the event.

"A World of Women for World Peace" is an initiative launched in 2001 by the U.S. Congresswoman Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson to bring greater visibility to the women who are victims of war and aggression, and the women who facilitate peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building activities in their communities. (SPS)
