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Coinciding with Ross visit: Moroccan forces violently crack down on Saharawi demonstration

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), Oct 20, 2013 (SPS) - Moroccan forces of occupation violently cracked down Saturday evening on a peaceful demonstration in the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, in parallel with the visit of the UN Envoy for Western Sahara, reported the Saharawi Ministry of Occupied Territories and Diaspora.

This peaceful demonstration comes in a response to a call by the Coordination of Saharawi Human Rights Organizations in Western Sahara.

Moroccan authorities’ repression apparatus, in civilian clothes and uniform, systematically attacked Saharawi human rights activists and citizens, after they started chanting political slogans that call for the right of Saharawi people to self-determination, stated the source.

This violent intervention by Moroccan forces left casualties, of which are human rights activists, like Galia Djeimi, Brahim Dahan, Hasana Dueihi, Galia Jomani, Bachri Ben Taleb, Salha Boutengiza, Fatma Dahwar, Mariam Al-Bourhimi, Hamdati Fadili, Yaya Sakina, Oum Al-Fadli Al-Kouri, Mohamed Fadel Lehbib, Cheihk Kentaoui, Noumria Salem, Leila Lili, Manina Larousi, Mashdoufi Tagi and Hamudi Lili. (SPS)
