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Venezuelan poets express solidarity with Saharawi people

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Caracas, Oct 20, 2013 (SPS) - A group of Venezuelan poets and artists have expressed solidarity, commitment and support to the Saharawi people, in an act organized by the Venezuelan poet Siboney del Rey and SADR embassy to mark the 38th anniversary of Saharawi National Unity Day, celebrated every October 12th, informed the Venezuelan Association of Solidarity with Western Sahara (ASOVESSA).

This act was attended by Miky Poche, Pedro Paracare, Carlos Zerpa, José Leonardo Riera, Henrique Millán, Dennys Garcés and the gitarist Miguel Regalado.

Siboney del Rey opened this act with a peom dedicated to the Saharawi people and with a speech to mark October 12th: the double anniversary of Saharawi National Unity and Indigenous Resistance Day in Venezuela.

Saharawi Ambassador Mr. Mohamed Salem, for his part, thanked each poet for their poems dedicated to the cause of the Saharawi people and to celebrate this occasion.

Also among the special guests were: Jon Restpot (Foreign Correspondent, Telesur) , Dr. Vìctor Chirinos, President of the Foundation “Ernesto Che Guevara” and Ms. Marisol Formoso, Vice-President of the Venezuelan Association of Solidarity with the Western Sahara (ASOVESSA ). (SPS)
