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POLISARIO calls for new dynamic to organize referendum in Western Sahara

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Oct 14, 2013 (SPS) - On the eve of the visit by the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara to the region, Polisario Front has called on the Security Council and UN to assume responsibility in resolving the Western Sahara conflict, through creating a new dynamic to accelerate the organization of the referendum, blocked by Morocco.

“We call on the Security Council and United Nations to create a new dynamic to find a solution to the conflict of Western Sahara, by organizing a free and transparent referendum under international surveillance and supervision,” said Mr. Mhamed Khadda, Saharawi Coordinator with the MINURSO, in an interview with SPS.

He added that Ross’s visit to the region comes after 17 months of stalemate due to the repeated Moroccan obstacles and maneuvers, last of which was the intransigent and disregard to international legitimacy expressed by the King of Morocco, in his speech before Moroccan parliament on Friday.

Saharawi Official denounced ongoing Moroccan human rights violations, plundering of Saharawi natural resources, and the military wall that separates Western Sahara territory.

“As a non-self-governing territory still considered as matter of decolonization, Western Sahara falls under UN responsibility,” he indicated, appealing to the international community to exert more pressure on Moroccan regime, which blatantly and deliberately violates international conventions and resolutions.

The UN Envoy Ross expected to meet today, Monday, in Rabat with Moroccan authorities, before heading to the Western Sahara’s occupied cities of El Aaiun and Smara.

He will set foot Wednesday in the Sahaarwi refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria, where he meets Polisario Front leadership and Saharawi authorities.

He will also visit the observe countries Mauritania and Algeria, before briefing the Security Council next October 30th. (SPS)
