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Rally in Paris to denounce assassination of Rashid Shin

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Paris, Sept 29, 2013 (SPS) - Saharawi community in France staged Saturday a rally to show solidarity with Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories, as well as in the cities of Assa and Zak, Southern Morocco, which have recently seen bloody clashes with Moroccan occupation forces killed many unarmed civilians, including the Martyr Rashid Shin.

The rally brought together Saharawi community as well as French sympathizers and associations of solidarity with the Saharawi people.

It was organized at Trocadéro’s Square, located off Eiffel Tower.

In a statement read at the end of this rally, the participants denounced the “brutal intervention” by Moroccan occupation forces against Saharawi civilians in Assa and Zak, calling for sending an international inquiry mission to investigate the death of Martyr Rashid Shin Ould Al-Mamoun.

They also denounced France’s opposition to the draft resolution 2099 calling for the extension of MINURSO’s powers to include human rights monitoring in the occupied Western Sahara, asking French Government to pressurize Moroccan Kingdom to halt its blatant human rights abuses and release all Saharawi political prisoners, without restrictions and unconditionally.

Demonstrators then headed in a peaceful march to Moroccan embassy, where they organized a vigil. (SPS)
