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Saharawi self-determination constitutes incarnation to democratic practice in the region, says Saharawi ambassador

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Abuja, Sept 22, 2013 (SPS) - Saharawi Ambassador in Nigeria Mr. Abbi Bacharaya Bachir said that the support to the self-determination of Western Sahara, in addition to its legitimate and legal nature, constitutes “a support and incarnation to the democratic practice in the region.”

In an interview with the Nigerian National TV’s morning programme, SADR Ambassador said: “the world and Western powers, specifically, are called to support the self-determination referendum as the highest form of democratic expression and free popular choice. It, in addition to being the formula most consistent with the international legitimacy and law, is a practical opportunity, as well as a support and incarnation to the democratic practice in the region.”

“The self-determination referendum, which has annually been called by United Nations to organize in Western Sahara since 1966, will remain the only compromise to sort out the conflict of Western Sahara, given that it allows the Sahrawi people, apart from the positions of the parties to the conflict the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front, to take the final decision regarding the sovereignty and the final status of the Territory, either by choosing independence, integration with Morocco or any other formula,” he pointed out.

Mr. Abbi spoke about the humanitarian suffering resulting from the conflict of Western Sahara, especially the difficult condition in the Saharawi refugee camps and the repression carried out by Moroccan occupation against Saharawi civilians in the occupied Western Sahara.

He, on other hand, hailed the principled positions of support to the enlargement of the mandate of UN Mission “MINURSO” to include the monitoring and protection of human rights in Western Sahara, advocated for by most African during their membership in the UN Security Council, led by the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

“Saharawi people are determined, day after day, to continue the national resistance until achieving national independence and turning the page of colonization from the African continent once and for all,” he indicated. (SPS)
