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Lund's municipal library hosts seminar on Saharawi question

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Stockholm, Sept 22, 2013 (SPS) - The municipal library of the city of Lund, Sweden, organized Saturday a seminar on the Saharawi question under the title: “the role of Sweden and EU in the settlement of Western Sahara conflict”, informed Saharawi representation in Sweden.

The seminar panel included Hans linde, Swedish Parliament’s foreign policy coordinator from the United Left, Ulrik Nilsson, members of the Parliament’s external relations committee from the Moderate Party (now in power), Carin Palcrantzt, from the Social Democratic Party, in addition to the POLISARIO Representative Mr. Aliyen Kentaoui.

This seminar focused on the illegal agreements on natural resources and its negative impact on the search for a just and lasting solution to the conflict of Western Sahara, and the role can be played by the EU to exert more diplomatic pressure on Morocco in this regard.

It, therefore, discussed the issue of human rights violation in the occupied territories, the plunder of Saharawi territories’ natural resources, illegal fishing agreements between the EU and Morocco and the prospects for a solution to this conflict, noted the source. (SPS)
