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Mhamed Khaddad receives head of MINURSO

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Sept 20, 2013 (SPS) - The Saharawi Coordinator with the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) Mr. Mhamed Khaddad received Thursday in Chahid Al Hafed, Saharawi refugee camps, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Western Sahara and head MINURSO Mr. Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber.

Mr. Mhamed Khaddad told SPS that this meeting “comes in the context of the preparation for the report to be submitted by the Special Representative and the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to the Security Council at the end of October on the developments in Saharawi question and the UN efforts to find a solution guaranteeing the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.”

The meeting also addressed the mass graves, recently discovered in the Western Sahara occupied territories by an international team, stressing the need for the MINURSO and UN to assume responsibility in this regard.

The meeting was attended by the Head of MINURSO Liaison Office in Tindouf Mr. Omar B. Manis, as well as the special advisers of Mr. Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber. (SPS)
