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Swedish Social Democratic Party supports struggle of Saharawi people

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Stockholm, Aug 24, 2013 (SPS) - The Secretary General of the Olof Palme International Centre at the Swedish Social Democratic Party Mr. Jens Orback has expressed his party’s “full support” to the struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence, in the framework of a sensibilization visit a Saharawi delegation made to Sweden, informed POLISARIO representation there.

The visit comes at the invitation of the Social Democratic Women of Sweden.

The Saharawi delegation has met a number of personalities at the Swedish Social Democratic Party including Ms. Kajsa Eriksson, Director of Programming Department at Olof Palme International Centre, and Ms. Ingrid Rudin, International Secretary of the Swedish Social Democratic Party.

The delegation includes Ms. Khira Bullahi, Minister of Professional Training, Public Function and Employees, Ms. Fatma Al Mahdi, Secretary General of Saharawi Women Union, and Mr. Aliyen Habib Kentawi, POLISARIO representative in Sweden. (SPS)
