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President of Murcia Parliament stresses need to find “urgent” solution to Western Sahara issue

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Murcia (Spain), July 6, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Regional Assembly of Murcia, Spain, Mr. Francisco Celdrán Vidal has stressed the need to find an “urgent” solution to the issue of Western Sahara in accordance with international legitimacy requirements, during a reception of a group of Saharawi children, who are visiting the region in the context of “Holidays in Peace Programme”, according to a source from Saharawi representation.

The ceremony was attended by the spokespersons of the partisan blocks and members of parliamentary group “Peace and Justice for the Saharawi people, in addition to the hosting families.

Mr. Vidal pointed out to the wide-range international resolutions issued by the UN Security Council, General Assembly and Special Committee on Decolonization, as well as the reports of the UN secretaries general and their personal envoys for Western Sahara which, he said, emphasizes in its entirety the legitimacy of Saharawi people’s right to self-determination, affirming, in the same time, that it is time to find a solution ensuring the right of the Saharawi people to freedom, self-determination and independence.

From his part, POLISARIO Representative to the Region of Murcia Mr. Mohamed Labat Mustapha called on Spain to “assume its historic and political responsibilities” towards the Saharawi people, urging, in this respect, public opinion, media and solidarity movement to “break the siege” imposed on the Saharawi cause.

At the end of the ceremony, the Saharawi children toured the various facilities of the institution. (SPS)
