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President of Republic:" Moroccan disrespect for international community requires a stern response"

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Bir Lahlou, June 26, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, said that "disrespect for the international community by the Moroccan State of occupation, requires a stern response," in a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, on Tuesday


the president explained that the response should start with "expanding the powers of MINURSO to include the protection, monitoring and reporting  human rights in Western Sahara , and the imposition of all pressures and sanctions needed t until Morocco releases Gdaim Izik detainees and all Saharawi political prisoners, and reveal the fate of all missing Sahrawis, and  stop plundering  natural resources of western Sahara as well as  removing  the wall which represents a crime against humanity"


He also called on the United Nations to fulfill its responsibility and accelerate the decolonization of Western Sahara, by enabling its people to experience their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.


Mohamed Abdelaziz pointed out, in his letter, that the Moroccan occupation authorities resorted to the siege and brutal repression against defenseless Sahrawi civilians, during a visit paid these days by a European Parliament delegation to the Sahrawi occupied territories.


” in addition to varying serious injuries among  peaceful demonstrators,  Moroccan forces of repression went back to the lynching and sexual harassment against the Sahrawi protesters, and women in particular”, The Saharawi President said


He also noted that the occupation authorities proceeded to practice deception and circumvention with the EU parliamentary delegation. Instead of transparently allowing the delegation to visit the terrible Lakhal prison in occupied Laiun, Morrocan occupation authorities, on the horizon of this visit, to send away six Sahrawi political prisoners to the city of Dakhla, and hid some others group in secret caches, to deprive them from meeting the delegation.(SPS)
