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Lavrov: We are in favor of self-determination of the people of Western

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Moscow, June 25, 2013(SPS)- Sergei Lavrov, Minister of foreign affairs of Russian Federation said today that Russia is in favor of ensuring  the people of Western right to self- determination, in press-conference with his Algerian counterpart in Moscow


“Of course, we have the continuation of direct contacts between Morocco and the Polisario Front for the implementation of the original goal - to ensure the basic conditions for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, as required by UN Security Council resolution” says Lavrov


He added that “We are in favor of it constantly and fully support the work of the UN, including the good offices mission and efforts of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara”


“It must be achieved on the basis of UN Security Council resolutions”, Russian Minister of foreign affairs noted


Lavrov also called for cooperation with the international community to ensure respect for human rights in Western Sahara.


“The priority task for the settlement of the Western Sahara is the definition of the status of the territory on the basis of existing solutions. Of course, in this case human rights must be respected. This is reflected in the resolution adopted by the Security Council in last April”, He concluded.(SPS)
