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European Coordination of Solidarity with Saharawi People meets in Brussels

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Brussels, June 24, 2013 (SPS) - The European Coordination of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (abbreviation: EUCOCO) has been meeting since Saturday, June 22nd, in the capital of Belgium, Brussels, to assess the situation in Western Sahara in various fields and to draw the prospects for solidarity action during the summer of 2013.

These meetings are presided by the Chairman of EUCOCO, Mr. Pierre Galland, and attended Mr. Mohamed Sidati, Minister Counselor to the Saharawi Presidency in charge of Europe, along with heads of the associations and human rights organizations supporting the Saharawi people from all European regions.

June 22th and 23rd sessions were allocated to the study human rights situation and interaction of the European Parliament and countries with the field developments in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The Saharawi official briefed the attendees on the latest developments of Saharawi question at the United Nations level.

The Coordination came up with a comprehensive plan for future solidarity action on both topics, as well as the ways to intensify visits to the occupied territories, support the peaceful Intifada (uprising), increase international pressure to expand MINURSO powers to include the monitoring and protection of human rights and accelerate the decolonization of Western Sahara in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions as well as in compliance with international law and legitimacy. (SPS)
