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Adala UK condemns the attack on its president in occupied El Aaiun

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London, June 23, 2013 (SPS) - The British Association “Adala” has announced that its president, the Saharawi activist Mr. Sid Ahmed Meska, was assaulted Saturday by Moroccan repressive apparatus during a demonstration organized in the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara.

In a statement reached the POLISARIO representation in the UK, members of Adala expressed “absolute solidarity” with the Saharawi activist and with all the victims of thus barbaric intervention, condemning strongly the violence carried out by Moroccan occupation authorities against the Saharawi citizens as well as human rights activists and defenders.

“On Saturday, June 22nd, the human rights activist and defender and president of the Adala UK Mr. Sid Ahmed Meska was subjected to beating and insults by words degrading of human dignity by Moroccan police, in uniform and plain clothes, in El Aaiun, Western Sahara.” said the statement.

Sid Ahmed Meska was severely injured at the level of his legs and back. He was also scratched off on the level of the entire body, after he received kicks and punches, before being transferred to the local hospital in the city.

The Association reiterated its call on all international rights, political and trade unions organizations to provide support and assistance to the Saharawi activists of human rights.

It, therefore, called upon the United Nations Organization to speed up the expansion of the prerogatives of its mission in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to the protection and report about human rights, as to provide it with all the capabilities necessary to protect the Saharawis and to put an end to the impunity enjoyed by Moroccan officers and civilians, who are involved in cases of violations against Saharawi citizens and human rights defenders.

Adala UK is a British association aims to raise awareness of the conflict and of human rights violations in Western Sahara. (SPS)
