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European delegation expected in occupied Western Sahara

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Brussels, June 22, 2013 (SPS) - A delegation of the European Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (abbreviation: S&D) expected to visit in the period from 22 to 23 June, 2013 the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara illegally occupied by Morocco, to assess of the situation of human rights, according to a statement of the Polisario Front representation in Brussels.

The delegation is headed by Véronique DeKeyser,Vice President of S & D Group, and includes Ana Gomes Group, spokesman, Norbert Neuser, President of the Intergroup on Western Sahara at EP, Mr. Antonio Panzeri, President of the Maghreb Delegation of the European Parliament, Maria Muñiz De Urquiza, the Spanish MEP, and Emmanuelle Texier, Coordinator of the Delegation, as well as several parliamentary assistants.

The delegation will meet with representatives of the Saharawi civil society living under the yoke of the illegal Moroccan occupation.

These meetings will allow the delegation to collect evidences from NGOs and those Saharawi civilians, who are subject to repression and oppression. (SPS)
