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Saharawi people has established solid foundations for modern society, says PM

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Madrid, June 15, 2013 (SPS) - The Prime Minister Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar has stressed that the Saharawi people “has indeed established solid foundations for a modern society based on the democratic norms, which renounce any form of exclusion and marginalization,” during a lecture at study days, taking place in Madrid.

During his lecture under the title “the Polisario Front: 40 years of existence”, Saharawi Prime Minister Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar highlighted the different stages of the struggle waged by the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.

The minister talked about the ways of struggle waged by the Polisario Front, militarily and diplomatically, in parallel with the configuration of Saharawi cadres in universities and institutes, as well as the peaceful resistance underway in the occupied territories.

Mr. Taleb Omar explained to the audience how the POLISARIO could, through hard efforts, lay down the necessary rules for an independent Saharawi state, including the government, national administration, legislation and judiciary.

Recalled that nearly a third of the Saharawi territory is liberated, he said that Morocco has failed to convince the international community of its sovereignty over Western Sahara.

Currently, said Saharawi PM, there is a growing international acceptance that human rights monitoring must be included in the mandate of MINURSO (UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara).

“Today, the Moroccan autonomy proposal has failed. The economic and social crisis puts the Moroccan regime in trouble, where he cannot meet internal and external problems,” he added.

The 7th conference on Western Sahara was held on 12 and 13 June, 2013 in Madrid.

It was attended by a very important Saharawi delegation, as well as experts and professors at Spanish universities. (SPS)
