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Tanzania asks Morocco to implement self-determination referendum of Saharawi people

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Dodoma (Tanzania), June 2, 2013 (SPS) - The United Republic of Tanzania has asked the Kingdom of Morocco to implement the UN-AU proposed referendum on self-determination for the people of Western Sahara to decide their own destiny, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Tanzania, Hon. Bernard Membe, during his speech on Wednesday before the National Assembly (parliament) to present his ministry’s budget for fiscal year 2013-14, according to Saharawi diplomatic sources.

Head of Tanzanian diplomacy indicated that his country’s position on Western Sahara “is based on the principles of self-determination, respect for natural boundaries, freedom, the respect for human rights, equality, democracy and good governance.”

The minister reiterated Tanzania’s support to the right of the people of Western Sahara to exercise their right to determine their future through a referendum under UN auspices.

“Tanzania is not the enemy of Morocco, but she opposes the occupation of Western Sahara. Tanzania will continue to advising Morocco to go back to the African Union to address the issue. In addition, we will continue to call on Morocco to implement the proposed referendum, so that the people of Western Sahara decide their own destiny,” he pointed out. (SPS)
