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Spain to host more than 4,500 Saharawi children this summer

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Madrid, June 01, 2013 (SPS) - More than 4,500 children from the Saharawi refugee camps will spend 2013 summer holidays with hosting families in Spain in the framework of “Holidays in Peace Programme”, according to the Spanish Agency “Europa Press”.

A total of 4,589 children, accompanied by 210 escorts will spend two months in Spain, according to the declaration of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, quoted by the same source.

This number is divided as follows: the Andalusia welcomes 1,200 Saharawi children, Castilla-La Mancha hosts 385 children, Galicia hosts 326, Valencia will receive 306, Madrid to host 306 children and the Basque will receive 303.

Moreover, Castilla y León will host 280, Asturias 244, Extremadura 180, Murcia 153 others in Murcia, Aragon135, 138 in the Canary Islands, 113 in Navarre, 60 in Cantabria and 40 in La Rioja.

“Holidays in Peace” programme is organized by the Spanish associations and institutions support the Saharawi people. (SPS)
