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Algerian Muslim Scholars Association calls for need to support Saharawi people

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 26, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Association of Algerian Muslim Scholars Mr. Abdul Razak Qasum has stressed the need to support the Saharawi people in their just struggle for freedom, during a meeting on Saturday with the Saharawi Prime Minister, at the end of a 2-day visit he made along with a delegation of the Association to the Saharawi refugee camps.

Mr. Qasum said that Association of Algerian Muslim Scholars believes that the Saharawi issue is a just one, whose people fight for freedom and dignity, adding that it will be addressed at National Assembly of the Association in order to provide the necessary assistance to Saharawi refugees.

During other meeting with the Saharawi Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs Mr. Abbah Dih Cheick Mohamed, Directorate of Religious Affairs and the Algerian delegation reached an agreement to receive a share of “Al-Basaer”, mouthpiece newspaper of Algerian Muslim Scholars Association, as well as to deepen cooperation in the areas of culture and religion.

The meeting also focused on the ways to boost cooperation between the Algerian Association and Saharawi Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs in the fields of training, religious guidance and exchange of experiences.

The delegation visited some institutions in the Wilaya of Smara.

They also visited Martyr Chreif Centre for War and Mines Victims, Association of Families of Saharawi Prisoners and Disappeared (AFAPREDESA) and national resistance museum in Chahid Al Hafed. (SPS)
