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Moroccan occupation authorities transmit a Sahrawi minor to “Lekhal prison” in occupied EL-aiun

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Occupied EL-aiun, 16 May, 2013 (SPS) - The Moroccan authorities transmitted Wednesday the Sahrawi minor Abbah Elhusain, to “Lekhal prison” in occupied EL-aiun, after only 03 days on his release on bail, according to the Ministry of the occupied cities and communities


Abbah Elhusain, who is 17 years of age, was kidnapped on 09 Mai, from his family's home in occupied EL-aiun city, after his participation in the demonstrations, marches, took place in the city on Saturday 04 May, demanding for the Sahrawi people right to self-determination, before being released on 12 May, temporarily


He had made impressive testimony on the psychological and physical torture and inhumane treatment amounted to his threat of rape by agents of Moroccan intelligence who was investigating him, during the period of his abduction and unlawful detention.(SPS)
