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Morocco: The bitter taste of defeat

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Chaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 16, 2013 (SPS) - Definitely, the noose has been tightened more and more on Morocco as UN initiatives multiply to put an end to the status quo, which has reigned in Western Sahara for more than 20 years.

The first revealing sign of Moroccan discomfort was extremely palpable in Rabat’s decision to withdraw confidence on the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross. A decision that caused a real crisis with the United Nations system in general. In other words, a crisis with the whole international legality.

The crisis reached its peak on April 22, 2013, when the U.S. delegation unveiled its intention to submit a proposal to extend the MINURSO mandate to monitor and protect human rights in Western Sahara.

The day after the adoption by Security Council of the resolution 2099, pressure increased from inside of the Saharawi occupied territory. The explosion of demonstrations in the main cities of Western Sahara and the Moroccan repression which followed that revealed the true face of Moroccan occupation at the point to raise the reaction of France, unconditional ally of Morocco.

Morocco has not realized yet the decision of the United States to reveal obviously its position vis-à-vis the conflict of Western Sahara. A position Morocco has always worked to camouflaged since the election of Barack Obama.
Saharawi peaceful resistance won the arm-wrestling against the brutality of Moroccan occupation. Rabat, which undergoes a very painful flashback of its policy of stubbornness and repression, has launched an unprecedented frenzy. To justify to the Moroccan people the failure of his policy in the Western Sahara, Rabat made Algeria guilty behind all its troubles.

While we hear the calls by Morocco for the construction of Arab Maghreb Union and opening of borders with Algeria in one hand, Moroccan authorities speaks about the war with a neighbouring country on other hand. It is the signal of a strong distress started by the bitter taste of the defeat.

Unexpected Makhzen agents output come in a particular context, marked by the failure of Moroccan diplomacy regarding the Saharawi issue and dire economic conditions that are pushing Moroccan authorities to borrow in order to avoid a dangerous slide towards violence and the outbreak of large-scale riots that could lead to the dismissal of a shaky monarchy.

Officially, the unemployment rate in Morocco is 9.1%. A figure hotly contested by the opposition circles.

The harsh reality of sustainable economic crisis that has already caused three new immolations proved that false reforms have been for nothing. Feeling strong tremor that affects the throne of Mohammed VI, the Makhzen is trying to show an imaginary and show victories to Moroccan people. (SPS)