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President Mohamed Abdelaziz does not rule out the resort to armed struggle

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 11, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has not ruled out Saturday in Chahid al Hafed, Saharawi refugee camps, the resort to armed struggle to end the Moroccan colonization “if the UN could not settle permanently the question of Western Sahara through a referendum.”

“We believed in the UN, but if it fails to organize a self-determination referendum in Western Sahara to enable the people Western Sahara to regain independence, we will take up arms to liberate our territories,” said President Mohamed Abdelaziz during a press conference held Saturday at the Presidency of the Republic.

He said that the peaceful demonstrations, underway since 2005, in the occupied territories showed the “peaceful nature” of Saharawi struggle that aims to recover the stolen land by Moroccan colonizer.

Asked about the non-extension of MINURSO mandates to monitor human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, SADR President said “I do not understand the relevance of the existence of a UN body, which does not work in favour of organizing a referendum on self-determination, or monitoring human rights, violated by Moroccan colonization.”

The Security Council of the United Nations, he pointed out, adopted on April 25 the 2099 resolution on Western Sahara, in which he reiterated his call for “a lasting and mutually acceptable political solution that ensures self-determination for the people of Western Sahara,” stressing “the importance of improving the situation of human rights” in the territories occupied by Morocco.

Asked about the accusations of terrorism against Polisario by Morocco, the Saharawi President responded “it was Moroccan monarchy who caused instability in the Sahel region through drug trafficking and narcotics.”

“Morocco has become a real source of danger to the region. It is a producer and exporter of drug. It transformed the region to a real hotbed conducive to the proliferation of all organized crime,” he said.

Referring to the abuses and torture by Morocco on the Saharawis in the occupied territories, he said that Morocco has failed in all his attempts to blur the identity of Saharawi people.

Registered since 1964 on the list of the Non-Self-Governing Territories and therefore eligible for the implementation of the 1514 resolution of the UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Western Sahara is the last colony in Africa, occupied since 1975 by Morocco with the support of France. (SPS)
