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POLISARIO demands Security Council’s urgent intervention to ensure safety and protection for Saharawis

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 6, 2013 (SPS) - National Secretariat of the Frente POLISARIO has sent an urgent appeal to the UN Security Council for urgent intervention to ensure security, protection as well as physical and psychological integrity of the defenseless Saharawi civilians, as to stop the acts of oppression practiced by Moroccan occupation state against them, according to a statement issued during the 5th ordinary session of Polisario Front’s National Secretariat , held on Sunday.

The session, chaired by the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, addressed the most important national issues, internally and externally, focusing in particular on the latest developments of the Intifada of Independence.

At the outset of the meeting, Al-Fatiha (first Sura in the Quran) was read on the souls of martyrs and on spirit of the deceased Khalil Sid Mhamed, member of the National Secretariat and Head of Political Branches Secretariat, renewing its condolences to the Saharawi people in this great loss.

National Secretariat condemned, in the strongest terms, the unjust Moroccan military trial against 25 Saharawi political prisoners on the ground of its military attack on Gdeim Izik camp, appealing to the United Nations to act urgently for their release along with the rest of Saharawi political detainees in Moroccan prisons, stop plundering Sahaarwi natural resources, removing the Moroccan wall of shame and open the Territory for independent international observers and journalists.

It warmly hailed sacrifices offered by the masses of the uprising in the occupied Western Sahara, adding that the non-incorporation of human rights component within MINURSO mandate “encourages Moroccan occupation state to further proceed in its gross violations of Saharawi human rights.”

Examining the UN Security Council resolution 2099 which reaffirms the right of Saharawi people to self-determination, POLISARIO National Secretariat recorded with satisfaction the increasing conviction by international community for the need and importance of establishing an effective UN mechanism to protect human rights in Western Sahara, saluting the countries and organizations that have adopted this approach which constitutes an “important step in a path whose episodes have yet to came to an end.”

It, in this respect, hailed African Union for the defense of its Charter and resolutions at the level of UN Security Council, and its commitment to the need to organize a referendum on self-determination for the Sahrawi people and protect human rights in the occupied parts of Western Sahara.

It therefore reiterated its full willingness to cooperate with efforts of the UN Secretary General and its personal envoy Mr. Christopher Ross, in the legal and historic context set forth by the UN charter and resolutions as a matter of decolonization, to be resolved through enabling the Saharawi people to express their will, with full transparency and away from any distortion, in a free, fair and impartial referendum on self-determination.

The statement went on saying that it is a shame on Spain not to shoulder its legal and ethical responsibilities towards the Saharawi people, as the colonial and administrative power for the last colony in Africa, and considering that Morocco is only illegal military occupation power, which does have neither administration nor sovereignty over Western Sahara.

It also appealed to France, cradle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to contribute positively in resolving Western Sahara conflict, away from the unethical position of support to the expansion policy of Morocco, which exposes an entire people for all kinds of oppression and deprives them from his natural right to self-determination and to live in freedom and dignity.

Hailing the European Parliament’s defense of international legitimacy, justice, democracy and human rights regarding the struggle of Saharawi people, National Secretariat called on the EU to refrain from signing any agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco that includes Saharawi territories and territorial waters, pointing out that this will constitute a complicity in the theft and looting of the wealth of a defenseless and oppressed people, and therefore a clear and shameful violation for the universal principles and ideals the Union was established on.

Concerning the developments in Sahel region, National Secretariat renewed POLISARIO’s position that rejects and condemns terrorism, stressing that the policies of Moroccan state which are based on expansion, occupation and violating international law “threatens security and stability in the region.”

It, on other hand, applauded the principled positions expressed by brothers and friends of the Saharawi people worldwide, notably the sisterly Algeria under leadership of His Excellency President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, in line with the principles of November 1st Revolution and requirements of international legitimacy.

Based on the requirements of Basic Law of the Front, National Secretariat received Mr. Ham Mohamed Salem Kori as a new member. (SPS)
