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Khatri Addouh received by Speaker of Algerian People’s National Assembly

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Algiers, April 28, 2013 (SPS) - The Speaker of the People's National Assembly (Lower House of Parliament) Mr. Mohamed Larbi Ould Khelifa received Sunday in the capital Algiers the President of Saharawi National Council (Parliament) Mr. Khatri Addouh.

According to a statement issued by the Assembly, the meeting was an opportunity for Mr. Ould Khelifa to “renew Algeria’s firm position regarding the conflict in Western Sahara, saying that this attitude stems from the principles of Algeria which is keen to support the just causes in the world.”

He, in the same regard, stressed that this support has “unanimous assent among all the components of Algerian society at both the popular and official level.”

From his part, Speaker of Saharawi Parliament praised the hosting by Algeria for the International Symposium on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination, confirming optimism that this event will increase international support to the Saharawi cause, especially in terms of exerting pressure on Morocco to comply with international legitimacy which enshrines the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination through free and fair referendum under auspices of the United Nations.

The meeting was also an occasion to review the various stages of the struggle of the Saharawi people, whose leadership have been committed to a cease-fire since twenty-two years.”

In this regard, added the statement, Mr. Addouh said that the Saharawi people could through his struggle to impose international recognition for his right to self-determination, and he still looking for the international community to continue to pressurize Morocco to comply with international legitimacy.

“Despite Moroccan repression, struggle of the Saharawi people will continue peacefully in the occupied part of Western Sahara through continued resistance, and he hopes that the task of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) is no longer limited to the monitoring of the respect for the cease-fire, otherwise to play the role it was created for and to strengthen its powers by a mechanism to monitor human rights,” he underlined. (SPS)
