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“Network of French youth in solidarity with Saharawi people” created in Paris

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Paris, April 12, 2013 (SPS) - A network of the French youth who are in solidarity with the Saharawi cause created Friday night in Paris at a meeting attended by students and representatives of associations from several French cities.

These young French decided to set up this network following the visit they made to the Saharawi refugee camps on March, where they noticed the extremely precarious conditions of Saharawi populations and their commitment to cling to the self-determination referendum.

For the young female Souhila Benguessoum, the network is a group of support to the Saharawi cause whose main purpose is to “sensitize the French public opinion about this cause and make him aware about the situation of a people who aspires for independence.”

Other speakers at the meeting provided harrowing testimonies about the experiences of Saharawi refugees, expressing deep affection for the generosity of Saharawi families, despite the very limited resources they have, and the hospitality they have shown during their brief stay in the refugee camps.

They also noted that many world powers, including France, still ignore UN resolutions that provide for a referendum on self-determination, and acting unfairly to the Saharawi people.

Representative of the Polisario Front to France Mr. Omar Mansour said that this French youth network is an added value to the French personalities, elected and presidents of associations that support the self-determination of Saharawi people.

“This is a new dynamic to move French youth and provide information on the actual situation in Western Sahara,” he said, noting that the network is another element can be added to the platform of French 34 associations and NGOs supporting the Saharawi people’s right to independence.

Last March, around 100 young French went to the Saharawi refugee camps where they spoke with people about their lives and their desire to be free from colonialism.

At the end of their visit, they made a special call for France to allow the application of UN resolutions and condemn the sanctions imposed by Moroccan military court in Rabat against 24 Saharawi political prisoners. (SPS)
