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The Guardian published a short documentary on the lives of Sahrawi refugees

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Algiers, April 10, 2013 (SPS) Video (short documentary) 6min 05 sec, devoted to living conditions in  the Sahrawi refugee camps near Tindouf and describing their desire to recover their independence, was posted on the electronic site of  the British newspaper "The Guardian".

This short documentary entitled " Western Sahara: the world's forgotten refugees " produced by CVT Productions, and focused on  "living conditions of more than 200,000 Sahrawi refugees and the reasons for their exile for more than three decades, following the occupation of their land by the Moroccan monarchy in 1975.

"There is no future for us in the refugee camps, our future is in the territory of an independent Sahrawi state," said the Saharawi Minister of Youth and Sports, Mohamed Mouloud Mohamed Fadelel ,In his testimony, saying that "the Saharawi youth will be responsible for building a new state."

He explained, however, that the emergency was in "the need to invest in education and training of young people to enrich human capital because they have to work hard to achieve their goal, which is the independence, and then begin to build the future.”

In her statement, the teacher Najla Mohammed pointed out to the "differences" exist even within the Sahrawi population, especially young people, who "have never experienced war, but believe that a change must be made by the return to war which seams necessary to end this situation, "she said.

The documentary shows, moreover, images of " the Moroccan military wall of shame" with  2.700 km long, which divides the Saharawi territories into two parts, one occupied by Morocco and the second part has been liberated  by the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army ( ALPS).

The wall, said the documentary is full of millions of landmines deployed by the Moroccan occupying forces.

The video mentions to the story of young Hamdi, a Sahrawi activist from the occupied territories had joined his compatriots in refugee camps, with all the risks during his dangerous journey.

In this regard, he said that the only solution is  the "return to the war " because "nothing will change in this conflict and without war no one  will listen to us," he said.

The role of Saharawi women, both socially and politically, is also highlighted in this documentary. This role is illustrated by Fatima Balla who holds the position of secretary general of the province of Smara (refugee camps in Tindouf).

Fatima Balla confirmed to the team who made the documentary that “Sahrawi women have the same rights as men, including the right to vote, and are regularly elected to political offices."

  The documentary indicated that the Polisario front is a resistance movement that the United Nations recognizes as the sole representative of the Sahrawi people.. (SPS)
