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Balearic parties urge Government to pressurize Morocco for releasing Saharawi prisoners

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Palma de Mallorca (Spain), April 7, 2013 (SPS) - The sixth political parties in Balearic Islands, Spain, have asked government to put pressure on Morocco to cancel the illegal judgments against Gdeim Izik political prisoners, calling for the release of all the Saharawi political detainees, reported Saturday Spanish Press Agency (EFE).

This position has been expressed in a joint statement signed by the main political formations within the parliament of Balearic Island.

The statement issued after a delegation, includes members of the People’s Party, Socialist, United Left, UPyD and Greens, visited the Saharawi refugee camps last week.

It therefore called for the need to establish a UN mechanism to ensure the respect for human rights in occupied Western Sahara, and allow observers and journalists to assess the situation in the field. (SPS)
