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Mhamed Khadda received by Foreign Affairs Minister of Rwanda

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Kigali, April 6, 2013 (SPS) - Members of the POLISARIO National Secretariat and Head of the National Committee for the Referendum Mr. Mhamed Khadda received Friday by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Rwanda Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo.

The meeting also attended by the Saharawi ambassador to Rwanda Mr. Lehbi Boujrais.

Saharawi official took the opportunity to praise the constant and principled position has been always expressed by Rwanda, within the African Union and United Nations, towards the struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and self-determination.

Mr. Khaddad informed his interlocutor about the latest developments on Western Sahara question, especially the acts of repression and gross violations of human rights being daily carried out by Moroccan occupation forces in the occupied Saharawi territories.

The two sides discussed the bilateral relations already exist between the Saharawi Republic and Rwanda.

The talks also focused on the efforts of the United Nations and the obstacles that thwart peace process in the Western Sahara.

The Republic of Rwanda currently serves as a Non-Permanent Security Council Member for 2013-2014.

Moreover, it is currently presiding over the UN Security Council during the month of April, which will see the discussion of Western Sahara issue on the basis of a report to be submitted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in the coming days. (SPS)
